Latest daily deals: Bluewater Bay

Nelson Mandela Bay


Bluewater Bay, Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape
Escape the hustle with a stay for 2 at the tranquil Me Case Guest House. If a quick breakaway is what you need, then a stay at Me Casa is just what the doctor ordered. This is the deal:
Skin Repair
Bluewater Bay, Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape
Wrinkles, Treatment
R379 Attain youthful-looking skin and reverse the signs of ageing with a microneedling session at Skin Repair. The next big thing in anti-aging . Are the fine lines and wrinkles deeply etched into your skin bothering you? Microneedling reverses and prevents aging, leaving you with firmer, youthful, and smoother skin.