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Latest daily deals: Cotton Fields - Restaurants - Meat


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Cotton Fields
Umhlanga, Botha’s Hill, eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal
R145,20 300g Rump with Sauce and Beverage from R145.20 at Cotton Fields Restaurant (Up to 60% Off). Diners tuck into a delicious 300g rump steak and beverage at Cotton Fields Restaurant with a choice of mushroom or pepper sauce
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210 buys
Cotton Fields
Umhlanga, Botha’s Hill, eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal
R145,20 300g Rump with Sauce and a Drink from R145.20 at Cotton Fields Restaurant (Up to 60% Off). Diners tuck into a delicious 300g rump steak and beverage at Cotton Fields Restaurant with a choice of mushroom or pepper sauce 115 buys