Latest daily deals: Skin & Body Matters - Hair Salon


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Skin & Body Matters
Sandton, Region E, Johannesburg, Gauteng
R499 Skin & Body Matters: Brazilian Blowout
Skin & Body Matters
Sandton, Region E, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Treatment, Brazilian, Nails
R499 Beat your battle with frizzy, unruly hair with a Brazilian blowwave at Skins & Body Matters. Also includes an express manicure. By treating your hair to a Brazilian blow wave, you’re saying goodbye to your frizzy tresses. This groundbreaking treatment is your ticket to a manageable mane
Skin & Body Matters
Sandton, Region E, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Nails, Brazilian
R499 Take care of the hair and look after the nails with a Brazilian blow wave and a deluxe pedicure (with gel overlays) at Skin & Body Matters. When your hair and nails are on fleek, everything else seems to fall into place. Up the ante on your appearance with a Brazilian blow wave and a deluxe pedicure. What the voucher gets you: