Latest daily deals: IsiLimela Game Lodge - Gym


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IsiLimela Game Lodge
Hoedspruit, Maruleng, Mopani, Limpopo Province
Game, Breakfast, Braai
A family getaway to the bush for 4 people at IsiLimela Game Lodge. Offer includes breakfast, a braai pack, plus other benefits. Spend your time at IsiLimela Game Lodge in nature; traverse the African bush on game drives or walks, search for wildlife, admire the scenery, and enjoy a South African braai.
Rating of isiLimela Game Lodge through , based on 173 reviews: 9,4/10
Rating of Isilimela Game Lodge through TripAdvisor, based on 84 reviews: 10/10

IsiLimela Game Lodge
Hoedspruit, Maruleng, Mopani, Limpopo Province
Game, Breakfast
A stay in the African bush for two people at IsiLimela Game Lodge, breakfast and benefits included. Your time at IsiLimela Game Lodge can be spent in nature; exploring the African bush, wildlife-spotting, braaing and enjoy the panoramic views of the mountains and plains. . What the voucher gets you:
Rating of isiLimela Game Lodge through , based on 173 reviews: 9,4/10
Rating of Isilimela Game Lodge through TripAdvisor, based on 84 reviews: 10/10