Latest daily deals: Protaekwon do - Education


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Protaekwon do
Randburg, Region B, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Martial Arts, Self Defence
R249 Get in Shape and learn self-defense skills with 1 Month of Taekwon-do Lessons for Kids and Adults from Protaekwon-do in Randburg for only R249, (valued at R400) - Offer expired 12/11/2014 00:04 5 buys

Protaekwon do
Randburg, Region B, Johannesburg, Gauteng
R299 Pay R299 to Learn self-defence skills with 2 months of Taekwon-do lessons for kids and adults from Protaekwon-do in Randburg (worth R800) - Offer expired 11/10/2013 01:02 11 buys