Latest daily deals: Tygervalley - Beauty Spa - Wrinkles

Exfoliation Eyes Facial Hair Removal Head Massage Hot Stone Lips Mask Massage Nails Spa Treatment Wrinkles

Cape Town Cape Metropole


Tygervalley, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape
Treatment, Hair Removal, Wrinkles
R199 Laser Sjiek, Tygervalley. Deal 1: 3 x Skin Rejuvenation Sessions at only R199 (Value: R1050)! Deal 2: 3 x Full Face Skin Rejuvenation Sessions at only R599 (Value: R2880)! Deal 1 (only one area can be treated): Acne. Sun spots. Veins. About VPL Skin Rejuvenation:This highly effective treatment makes use of variable pulses of light that is clinically proven to effectively treat and remove unwanted superficial veins, sun spots, rosacea, fine lines/wrinkles easily and safely with none of the discomfort of invasive and/or surgical treatment, leaving your skin looking smooth, silky and radiant. It helps to effectively treat acne. It can also be used for over all skin rejuvenation.